Brands & Platforms

  • Newsroom

    Daily news content, features, perspective and in-depth reporting across audio, video and narrative on YR.Media from young contributors in our Oakland headquarters, Chicago-based Midwest hub and hundreds of others around the country.

  • Adult ISH

    Our premiere lifestyle, culture, advice and storyteller podcast produced entirely by folks who are almost adults, distributed by Radiotopia

  • YR Music

    YR Media's in-house music production department, where YR Stars create original music compositions and learn the in’s and out’s of the music business.

  • Interactive

    As one of the only youth co-led interactive departments in the country, YR Interactive transforms long- form data journalism into powerful (and fun) digital experiences, and visual essays. We work at the intersection of data, design, and code.

  • YR Raw

    Digital magazine featuring student work from our Media Education classes in journalism, podcasting, design, and video.

  • Teach YR

    External learning division, bringing learning resources, experiences and rigorous research to young creatives and educators beyond our brick-and-mortar headquarters and hubs.