Media Education Learning Stipends


($400 stipend upon completion*)


  • 80% attendance 

  • Completion for 3 track projects to be featured in the bi weekly media show 

  • Attend all grade based workshops (A-G & pathway to college only service Media Ed youth) 

  • Show effective proactive communication skills (late, absent, and makeup work) with paper trail of communication

  • Display YR Media core values 

  • Returns all paperwork (i.e parent packet, equipment agreement) in a timely manner

  • Maintain communication with support services (i.e. Case Manager, Academic Advisor) 

  • Attend 75% of media shows 

  • Come to class on time and prepared (or communicate the tardy or absent in timely manner) 

  • Display appropriate classroom and community behavior 

  • Camera on if participating virtually - strongly recommended 

    *Stipends may be subject to income tax. YR Media makes no representation nor takes any responsibility with respect to this.


($700 stipend upon completion*)


  • 80% attendance 

  • Completion and Presentation of Personal project 

  • Attend all grade based workshops 

  • Show effective proactive communication skills (late, absent, and makeup work) with paper trail of communication

  • Display YR Media core values 

  • Returns all paperwork in a timely manner

  • Maintain communication with support services 

  • Come to class on time and prepared (or communicate the tardy or absent in timely manner) 

  • Display appropriate classroom and community behavior 

  • Camera on if participating virtually - strongly recommended