Creator Spotlight: Meet Kierra Frazier

Name: Kierra Frazier 

Pronouns: She/Her

Location: DeKalb, IL

Age and school: 22. Recent grad from Northern Illinois University.

How did you learn about YR: I learned about YR Media from Kathy Chaney! I also found out about YR Media through social media and other young journalists that I followed on social media.

What is your focus at YR Media: My focus at YR Media was daily news. I wrote a lot of daily news that was trending online and mattered to young people. The stories I wrote ranged from entertainment to health.

Why are you a part of YR Media: I'm a part of YR Media because it has allowed me to grow my journalism skills such as interviewing and writing. It has also allowed me to write about issues that matter to young people. I love reporting on issues/topics that are geared to the younger generation.

What is your proudest moment/greatest achievement at YR Media: My proudest achievement was helping cover the 2020 Election. I enjoyed talking to younger voters who were passionate about various political issues and youth voter turnout.

What would you tell a friend about your YR experience: YR Media is the perfect place to grow for young people looking to excel in their journalism careers. If you have any journalism-related questions, there are many mentors to help you out! 

What have you discovered about yourself during your time at YR: While at YR Media, I learned that my favorite aspect of journalism is interviewing and learning something new from sources each day. 

How will you use the tools that you have learned at YR in the future: Tools that I learned such as interviewing and writing stories that matter to young people are still being used today, whether it be through freelancing and pitching story ideas to editors or through digital producing at POLITICO, which is my current role today. In all, my reporting background at YR Media helped prepare me for my first post-grad job.


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