Listen Up: YR Media-Produced Radio Spots on WBLX

In a post-COVID-19 world,  grassroots and other community organizations are doing important work to support those in need. Wells Fargo joined forces with KBLX and YR Media to highlight nonprofits who are supporting racial equity in different communities throughout the Bay Area. 

Thanks to generous support from Wells Fargo, YR Media's awesomely talented youth employees in our Arts department were able to co-produce, script, voice and score seven broadcast ads featuring organizations working toward racial equity in the Bay Area.  

The SOCIAL JUSTICE VOICES interviews will air on 102.9 KBLX throughout August 2020.  Original music was produced by YR Media music producers Anders Knutstad, Marquise Carr, David Lawerence, Amari Haulcy & Angelo Williams.  Tune in all month to meet these leaders, and listen for ways you can be a part of the movement for social justice in the Bay Area.

Asian Law Caucus

Caracen SF

East Oakland Collective

Ella Baker Center


Tech Equity


New Season of Adult ISH Launches on Oct. 8, Brings 'Technicolor Emotions'


Beyond a Building: Still Telling Our Stories