Want to Hear What Young People Think about Election ‘24?

You can practically feel the shift in the political landscape. 

This weekend, President Joe Biden ended his bid for a second term and immediately endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. Diverse young journalists need a seat at the storytelling table for this historic election.

The Oakland native represents three firsts as a Black and South Asian American woman. As Harris moves closer to challenging former President Donald J. Trump, she does so during a charged and highly divisive election season with inarguably high political stakes on issues ranging from reproductive rights to climate change to affirmative action to immigration reform. 

Amid a challenging economic climate for media outlets, it is more critical than ever that we invest in coverage that accurately reflects the makeup of our nation and those who hold the highest stake in it: future generations.

For 30 years, YR Media’s youth journalists, aka our YR stars, have covered U.S. presidential elections, providing hard-hitting reporting and a unique perspective missing from the mainstream media. 

With 600 correspondents across the country and up to 300 paid internships per year, the proof of our award-winning programming is evidenced by how these young storytellers have already reshaped the narrative, including our 2020 18-to-29 NOW election coverage and on-the-ground reporting from Democratic and Republican National Conventions in 2016

Our young journalists are telling us that they NEED to tell the story this year. Your support can make that happen.

With our recent strategic expansion to Chicago, we’re even closer to the action.

Two years ago, we opened a Midwest hub in Chicago, the same city where the Democratic National Convention is taking place this August. From this new training center, equipped with a fully functioning newsroom, we increased our editorial impact in Illinois, as well as neighboring states Michigan, Minnesota and the swing state of Wisconsin.

We can’t do it alone. We are asking our community to invest in the next generation of journalists ahead of this critical election season. These gifts will help us pay for transportation, payments to our network of contributors; intern wages; cutting edge, mobile technology for audio and video coverage; and training programs in Oakland and Chicago that equip our storytellers for success. 

Help us guarantee that our YR stars can contribute to coverage that engages and electrifies other young people to be part of the political process. The game has changed, and no one can afford to sit on the sidelines, especially not our younger generations who will live with the decisions we make on Election Day ‘24.

With Gratitude,


YR Media Adds to Leadership Team in Development and Operations; Announces Executive Promotion 


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